Through the Covenant of Discipleship we become members of New Life in Christ Church and members of one another.  This is not just joining an organization, it is joining the family of God’s people, and committing ourselves to one another’s spiritual growth. New membership classes start every April, July, September and December at 9AM in Pastor Sean's office.

The basis of making this covenant is found in our shared faith in Christ and his work.  Everyone who takes the covenant affirms five basic beliefs when they take the Covenant of Discipleship:

  1. Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope save in His sovereign mercy?
  2. Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Savior of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He is offered in the Gospel?
  3. Do you now resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as becomes the followers of Christ?
  4. Do you promise to support the Church in its worship and work to the best of your ability?
  5. Do you submit yourselves to the government and discipline of the Church, and promise to study its purity and peace?

After affirming these Covenant beliefs we make this promise to each other:

Upon this basis, therefore, we covenant together as members of New Life in Christ Church to lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully and pleasing to Him.

We promise, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to worship the Triune God in spirit and in truth, privately, in our families, and together as the Body of Christ, and to obey our God in every area of our lives as an expression of our worship of Him.

We also promise to exhibit a Christ-like character in our individual lives, in our families, and in the church, as a witness to the world of the reality of the Living God; to exhibit a Christ-like care and watchfulness over each other and to faithfully warn, exhort, and admonish one another, that each person may grow to the point where he puts his full faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ in all areas of his life; to encourage one another in our ministry and service to the Lord Jesus Christ; to demonstrate our love of the Lord and our loyalty to one another by following the steps in Matthew 18:15-17 when another member of the Body of Christ offends or is overtaken in a fault (Gal 6:1); to train our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, that they might live for Him; and to use our gifts for the edification and building up of the Body of Christ.

We further promise to give cheerfully of our time, talent, and means in the measure that God has prospered us so that we might share with those in need, first within the Body of Christ, and then in our community and throughout the world, as a witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ; and to commit ourselves to the proclamation of the gospel throughout the world.

Being mindful of our own weakness and insufficiency, and knowing that of ourselves we can do nothing, we humbly implore God’s help and guidance in our solemn endeavor to fulfill this covenant.